Just an Ordinary Life in Japan (002): Plum Wine (1)

Japanese home-made plum wine vol.1
Would you like some?

We make Japanese plum wine in this season every year.

Japanese plums are available at grocery stores only from the end of May to the beginning of June.

Plum is kind of fruit, but it does not become sweet even when it’s ripe, and its sour taste is strong.

We can never eat it as it is, so we should make it into plum wine, pickled plums, plum jam, or plum juice.

If we make it into plum wine, we will have to wait about three months. We should be able to drink it in Autumn.

I’m looking forward to it!!!

In my next article, I’d like to introduce how to make plum wine.

(*The plum wine is not for sale on this website. We are showing you “just an ordinary life in Japan.”)
