Japanese Pewter & Tinware

What is good about “Pewter & Tinware”?

Pewter, or tinware, is a general term for products made of alloy consisting of “tin” and some other metals. Until several decades ago, many pewter products contained “lead,” which is said to be harmful to human body, but today, many of them do not contain lead.

In Japan, pewter & tinware have long been used as cups or bottles for Japanese sake. The pewter & tinware cups and bottles provided at our website do not contain lead either, so they are totally safe for serving drinks or food.

Tin is soft compared to other metals, so it may dent easily when it gets hit by other harder materials.  But on the other hand, it is hard to break. Tin is also resistant to rust or decay because it is significantly antibacterial. These characteristics of tin’s show that pewter & tinware can be used for many years.

Also, tin has high heat conductivity and it quickly gets cold and hot. This is good for both “cold drinks” and “hot drinks.” Like beer in the hot summer time, or coffee in the cold winter time, pewter & tinware products will help keep the temperature level of the drinks.

“Japanese Pewter” products at this site are provided by:

Shop Name: “Suzukou Pewter”
Craftworkers: Mr. Nakamura and others
Shop Address in Japan: Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture, Japan

Japanese Pewter & Tinware Products

Maintenance of Japanese Pewter & Tinware Products

Tin is generally used to prevent “rust,” but do NOT leave it wet after use.
Wash the pewter/tinware product with running water and soft cloth, and after that, be sure to wipe off every single drop of water.

In case water washing is not good enough, dissolve “toothpaste” or “baking soda” in water, and use it to polish the product with soft cloth. Do NOT use scrubbing brushes or gritty cleanser.

Some of the perter/tinware products are colored “black,” “dark red,” or “dark green” with lacquer.
Please avoid direct sunlight, which may cause the color to fade.

Also, do NOT put the pewter/tinware products in the freezer.