Kokeshi Dolls (Handcrafted Wooden Dolls)

What is “Kokeshi”?

“Kokeshi Dolls” are made of wood, and they were originally made for souvenir gifts for tourists in the Tohoku area of Japan.

They were mainly used as toys for small children in the Edo period, but today, many people collect them and display them in their rooms.

There are a variety of Kokeshi dolls all across Japan, and they have different characteristics depending on where they are made.

At this website, you can see “Naruko Kokeshi” dolls, which makes a squeak sound when you turn the head.

“Kokeshi Doll” products at this site are provided by:

Shop Name: “Kokeshi No Matsuda Kobo”
Craftworkers: Mr. Matsuda and others
Shop Address in Japan: Osaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

Kokeshi Doll Products