Just an Ordinary Life in Japan (006): Ochugen — Gift-Sending Custom in Japan

Hello, it’s Mee-wa, the chief editor of this website.

It is busy time for many shipping companies in Japan now, because there is a traditional custom in Japan called “ochugen,” which means “sending gifts” to your supervisors/colleagues at work, your relative/family, or your close friends, in order to show your everyday gratitude.

Ochugen gifts are usually sent in July, so right now, shipping companies are really busy!

We have a similar custom in the winter time too, which is called “oseibo.”

Oseibo” has the same meaning as “ochugen,” but the only difference is that oseibo gifts are usually sent in December.

So many Japanese people send gifts to their acquaintances two times a year, ochugen in July and oseibo in December.

Prior to the ochugen or oseibo seasons, many gift samples are displayed at department stores or grocery stores.

You can order them not only at their store desks, but also through their internet sites.

You can select gifts from a number of items, such as steaks, hams, cookies, noodles, fruits, and so on.

We received an ochugen gift the other day too.

It was a “your-choice-gift” catalog, from which we can choose one item and have it delivered to us anytime we want.

By the way, this summer, I will probably stay home, rather than going out to places due to the Corona virus.

I’m thinking about watching the Olympic games at home, eating special food from the ochugen gift!
