Just an Ordinary Life in Japan (023): Black-hole Table in the House? (Kotatsu)

Kotatsu” is a kind of Japanese unique traditional heating apparatus.

It is a low table with an electric heater attached to the underside of the table, along with a big, square blanket to have the warm air kept inside.

In many Japanese homes, kotatsu tables are set on the floor in the living rooms or study rooms, so you also sit on the floor (or on a seat cushion called “zabuton“) with the lower half of your body inside the table.

Once you get into a kotatsu table, it will not be easy to get out of there, like a “black hole“!

It is so warm and comfortable that you may fall asleep easily.

Everyone in your family, including your cats, will come to get into the kotatsu.

Sometimes your cats may occupy the inner space of the kotatsu table, preventing you from putting your legs inside.

The photos below are my parents’ kitties occupying the kotatsu table!

But, I would not let them out, because I love kitties!

Don’t anybody fart in there, though!!!
