Just an Ordinary Life in Japan (026): Japanese School Bags (Randoseru)

On the last day of school, they have to bring all the textbooks and notebooks home.

By the way, have you ever seen this type of backpack before?

In Japan, almost every child in elementary schools uses this type of bag for 6 years, from the 1st grade to the 6th grade.

This is called “Randoseru” in Japanese, which is from an old Dutch word “Ransel.”

When I was in elementary school, there were only two colors for Randoseru bags, that is, either red or black. 

Also, we did not even have any choice about the color. 
Red ones were for girls, and black ones were for boys.

But today, there are a lot of color options, and whether you are a boy or a girl, you can choose whatever color you like.

Some of them are made of real leather, and others are made of fake leather, but at any rate, they are all very sturdy.

They usually weigh between 1,000 and 1,400 grams.

The price of a Randoseru bag varies from 10,000 to 100,000 Japanese yen. This is pretty expensive, isn’t it?

Although I don’t know how much my Randoseru was, I remember I would roughly throw it at the hallway from the front door of my house, running outside the next moment to play with my friends.

Nowadays, there are new services available where you can remodel or transform your old Randoseru bag into something else like a wallet, card case, mini-randoseru bag, etc.

Even after your bag has turned into a new item, the scars on your Randoseru bag would be seen, and it would remind you of your good old days.
