What is XXX like in Japan? (2) -McDonald’s (June, 2021)

Hi, it’s Mee-wa.

My previous article about “maintenance hole covers” was too maniac, so today I’d like tell you about one of the most famous fast food services in Japan, “McDonald’s.”

Now there are some new menu items in collaboration with Pokemon. The package design is cute! This will be popular among children.

The photo below is a sealed package with toys inside, which you can get when you order a kid’s menu called “Happy Set.”

But the package is completely invisible from the outside, and you can’t choose one by yourself.

It’s gonna be a surprise after opening it!

The toys in the Happy Set gift packages are displayed near the order counter.

The collaboration with Pokemon is a seasonal event, and will be over around the middle of July, 2021.
You can see a TV commercial movie from the official McDonald’s website:
McDonald’s TV Commercial with Pokemon
